Optimize your hiring process with Velents’ CV matching.

Let our AI-driven tools seamlessly match candidate CVs with your vacancy’s qualifications, ensuring every relevant skill and qualification aligns with the job requirements. Streamline your recruitment efforts and effortlessly find the best-fit candidates.

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Our Customers Used AI To Screen Candidates for +1,340 companies

Enhanced Screening = Better Hiring

Velients’ Cv matching tool utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning to highlight key information, ensuring improved hiring decisions.

Swift and Unbiased CV Screening!

Receive thousands of tailored CVs in seconds, filter and sort to match job role requirements. Our matching tool efficiently excludes irrelevant CVs without bias.

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Eliminate Unconscious Bias in CV matching

Choose top candidates solely based on skills and qualifications, without external influence. Prioritize the most skilled candidates and make unbiased, informed decisions.

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Boost Recruiting Department Efficiency

Our Cv matching and screening tool provides a remarkable advantage by reducing the time traditionally spent on these tasks by 91%. This enables recruitment departments to increase efficiency, allocating most of their time and effort to strategically important activities, thereby enhancing their ability to make informed and swift decisions when selecting suitable candidates.

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Comprehensive Smart Hiring to Accelerate Processes and Enhance Talent Acquisition Through AI Screening, Interviews, and Assessments.

Get more suitable candidates for your job openings effortlessly.

  • 7 days Free Trial
  • No credit card required